I sit here sipping chai while the kids play at an indoor savior, I mean playplace. My sweet boys certainly have a lot of energy. They are fearless, and need physical outlets. We got to play outside in the snow today, which they just loved. D and I loved it too.
To be honest here, some days have been really hard. Big J has had some pretty decent tantrums and Little J is a mini hurricane. On Christmas Eve, I almost cried. I thought of how long we had wanted this, what we put into getting is. I felt like I didn't have a right to complain, and should just be grateful. I think ithers who have adopted or had IF or both have thought this too. Isn't this what I asked for?I have learned I still have selfish tendencies. I need me time. Sometimes I want to pee or shower without a toddler asking what I am doing. Or not watch the same kid's movie for the millionth time when we have a huge library of DVD's.
It has been an adjustment for all of us. But the boys are really amazing kids. Big J now says dude all the time thanks to me calling him "my little dude." And maybe it was in Nemo. He also says "Awkward" which he learned from Spiderman. I can't wait until he uses it in the perfect situation. He will also say out of the blue "I like you." And we say, "We like you too. And we love you. Someday he will say it back.
I try to explain adoption to Big J the best I can. That he has two mommies, and one he was in her belly but she couldn't take care of him. Now his mommy and daddy will take care of him forever. We have read this book a couple times (purchased by friends Mary and Jill):
I think it is starting to sink in.
I must post this adorable picture of the two boys and our kitty watching daddy shovel:
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